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Homeowners' Insurance
How do Homeowner's Insurance Companies Work?
What do you know about insurance companies?
Why do insurance companies exist?
Why do insurance companies exist?
What have you learned about how insurance companies work?
Why do I need homeowners insurance?
What do you know about homeowners insurance?
Why do I need homeowners insurance?
Why do I need homeowners insurance?
Homeowners Insurance vs. Other types of insurance
What does homeowners insurance cover?
What types of things do you think homewoners insurance covers?
What does heomeowners insurance generally cover?
What does homeowners insurance generally cover?
What have you learned about what homeowners insurance covers?
What types of damages does homeowners insurance cover?
Who do you think is responsible for repairing your home?
What kind of damages does Homeowners Insurance Cover?
Who is responsible for repairing damage?
Who is responsible?
Premiums and Deductibles
What are premiums and deductibles?
What do I pay and to whom?
When will my premium increase?
What can I do if my premium increases?
Premium increases
How do I choose an insurance company?
What should you keep in mind when picking an insurance company?
Why do you think homeowners insurance is important?
How do I select an insurance company and policy?
When should I buy insurance?
When will you shop for homeowners insurance?
How do I pick an insurance company?
How do I make a claim?
What do you know about insurance claims?
How do you make a claim?
How do you make a claim?
What will you do if you experience a covered event?
Making a home inventory
Why do you think a home inventory could be important?
What is a home inventory?
What is a home inventory?
Creating a Google Drive Account
How will you create and store your home inventory?
What should I do now?
What should I do now?
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When should I buy insurance?
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